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Support content strategy

Support isn’t supplementary, it’s essential to a product—and brand—experience.


microsoft education support hub

I drove the launch of the support site for Education products at Microsoft, creating a touchpoint across several platforms: in-product help, marketing, and quick-answer search.


Research told us that educators want video-based support, and we delivered. I wrote video scripts and worked closely with voice talent, animators, videographers, and product owners to produce a variety of video formats.

Dynamic resources

Support should tell a story. Explore the day-in-the-life guide I created for students to paint a picture of navigating a school day with Microsoft products. Downloadable and printable, this guide added yet another dimension to the varied support educators and students need.

More support projects & strategies, at glance

Dynamic banners

With banners like Teach and learn right where you are with Office 365, my team and I updated the Microsoft Education support site to reflect season-to-season and moment-to-moment content needs, aggregating the most relevant content pieces for customers in one thematic place. This example proved particularly important when COVID shut down schools, but it was also an effective strategy for maintaining discoverability and awareness after conferences and customer visits.

Organizing for the audience

With so much content to cover for multiple audiences, I optimized support pages with simple but effective page controls like separate tabs and left navigation.

Immersing product in authentic scenarios

I create content that’s not only true to a product’s value, but connects to real scenarios and language in an end user’s life.